Monday, April 1, 2013

"Gays Are Not People" Says Linda Harvey

You know I really try not to create posts announcing people who are the epitome of stupidity; because when I say the epitome of stupidity I really mean it. Sure I will call people an idiot or stupid for being as dumb as a sack of potatoes, but this goes far beyond that realm. I call it the “epitome of stupidity” because this is an example of pure, real, stupidity at its finest.

Linda Harvey has offered a rather interesting theory about why the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection of the laws" shouldn't apply to marriage equality, or seemingly to gay people at all, for that matter, since "people are not naturally homosexual." Apparently, being a "gay person" doesn't actually qualify one as a "person" under Harvey's understanding of the Fourteenth Amendment.

 Her theory: “Why should the equal protection argument be made in favor of homosexual behavior, which is changeable?  People are not naturally homosexual, so the definition of ‘person’ in the Fourteenth Amendment is being twisted to make this assumption. ‘Person’ should be understood based on historic, beneficial, or at least neutral and fact-based traits; it should not be twisted to incorporate behavior that most religions and most cultures have said a firm ‘no’ to. It's also behavior for which there's no recognized science demonstrating a genetic or hormonal origin. And it's also not beneficial and does not stand the definition of marriage, used for millennia that is, the act of consummation. It's another sad fact of homosexual behavior that two men or two women can never consummate a marriage; they can never conceive children together. This should still have some standing and it remains a fact that there are only two types of human in the world: male and female.  Any other distinctions made are appearance, custom, and construction. So marriage is the lawful, orderly confirmation of what we already see in nature.”

Linda, why should the equal protection argument be made in favor of Christian behavior? Christian behavior is changeable; people are not born “naturally” Christian. So the definition of “person” which is used in the Fourteenth Amendment is being twisted to make this assumption. So in other words what you’re trying to say is that Christian people are people, but gay people are not in fact people. Oh, okay, got it, thank you Republicans.

“And it's also not beneficial and does not stand the definition of marriage, used for millennia that is, the act of consummation. It's another sad fact of homosexual behavior that two men or two women can never consummate a marriage; they can never conceive children together” Whoa hold on, two men or two women can’t consummate? Oh honey if only you knew how two men could consummate a marriage. But then again I doubt you’ve ever had sex that good.

 Here’s a question for you all. How many conservative Christians have heard the rhetoric of how same-sex marriages don’t count because nobody can get pregnant during the marriage? Because essentially you’re alienating those Christian conservatives who, for whatever reason cannot become pregnant.

“This should still have some standing and it remains a fact that there are only two types of human in the world: male and female.  Any other distinctions made are appearance, custom, and construction” So gay men and women are not actually male or female? This does not make any sense at all to me. So there are only male and female people? Apparently you’ve never heard of intersex people and you probably don’t care to know about them.

So Linda, I’m not sure if you are aware of this but sexuality, whether it’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, is not an activity. Your sexuality or lack thereof, is who you are as a person. If I never have sex in my life, I am still heterosexual.

Linda, all I really have to say is you need to be educated on human sexuality before you open your mouth. Because when you open your mouth and spew out trash like that, all you’re doing is showing how ignorant you right wing Republicans really are.

“So marriage is the lawful, orderly confirmation of what we already see in nature” So, Linda, I have to ask the question, when did you consciously choose to be heterosexual? How long have you been struggling with your same sex attraction? Essentially what you are trying to say Linda is that everybody is strongly bisexual. That everybody who identifies as being straight consciously chooses to be straight.

I don’t really know what else to say besides Christian fundamentalists need to stop. Its radical people like Linda Harvey who are oppressing the L.G.B.T community and it is so wrong for people to actually think that someone who is gay is not a person. Linda Harvey and all those other people like her, pull your head out of your ass now. That's what I'd like to say, but since that isn't very considerate to say, my advice to people like Linda Harvey and Fred Phelps (remember Westboro Baptist Church) is become more informed if you want to spew your hate around. So when you do spew hate, at least its informed hatred. That is all I have to say, Cheers.  

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