Friday, February 8, 2013


What the hell? #Cut for Bieber? First of all I’d like to say a big “Screw you” to those of you who thinks cutting is funny, some form of joke, that you can do it anytime. ‘Cause it’s not. And second off I’d like to say a big “What were you thinking?” to all the people who cut themselves over Justin Bieber. I don’t understand, do you think it’s some funny joke? So the kid smoked a joint, he is an adult he can make his own decisions be it good or bad. Do not go cutting yourself over it because that is just going to make everything worse in the long run, for you, not for Justin Bieber. You cutting yourself is not going to change the fact that Justin smoked some pot. You cannot somehow magically change the past by cutting yourself. It is a very terrible way to go about it anyhow.  You are pretty much making a joke out of everybody who cuts. Because for some reason, hurting yourself is hilariously funny. If you think it’s funny then you don’t know why people cut. People cut because their past is so horrendous and miserable that they feel the only way to ease the emotional pain is to bring on physical pain.

But you are cutting yourself because Justin Bieber smoked some pot. Let that sink in, so you know how incredibly stupid that is. Don’t do that crap. You’re making a mockery and it pisses me off.

Now there are many problems with this, first off is the origin of the trend on Twitter. The origin of the trend is fake, but the trend is real, because the messed up troll is actually getting young girls to physically cut themselves. This is a prime example of where trolling has gone too far. It is one thing to try to get a reaction out of someone, but in no way is it acceptable to start a trend called “#CutForBieber” where you have vulnerable, young girls, and I understand that young girls are vulnerable and make stupid decisions, I fully understand that but when you trolls to actually take advantage of these young girls, who are doing an act which can permanently effect someone by cutting themselves, that is not funny! And it may be a joke; it may be a troll joke because I know last year there was a twitter trend called “#GoingBaldForBieber” where fans were convinced that Justin Bieber had cancer so they shaved their head in support. That is one thing, but to start a trend that can actually physically harm someone, and actually get them put in the hospital from cutting themselves is not only sickening, it is messed up. And that’s when you, as a troll, have gone beyond the realm of trolling, to being, or potentially being responsible for someone’s death, if they actually take the effort to cut themselves enough to where they actually have no choice but to be hospitalized, for losing blood, or self-harming too much. That is messed up. Don’t get me wrong, the fans who participated in cutting themselves as a protest against Justin Bieber smoking some pot, are morons. But at the same time, to take advantage, to prey on the vulnerable like that, is wrong in my opinion. Is this really what humanity has come to? To where you actually get people to harm themselves because you think it’s funny?   I don’t know about you guys, but self-harm, is actually a diagnosed issue, a psychological association, a problem that people struggle with, but there are you messed up trolls who think it’s oh so funny , to make a fake trend in which exploits the young, vulnerable fans, of Justin Bieber to harm themselves, not only ignores the real victims, who actually struggle with self-harm, maybe due to a traumatic experience like assault, it completely ignores the fact that there are real victims who are actually struggling with self-harm to these little fan girls who are cutting themselves because beloved Justin Bieber smoked some pot. This to me is the ultimate line that has been drawn of human depravity at the fact that someone can think that this is actually funny. I also have to touch on this subject, to the parents who have young daughters who look up to Justin Bieber, wake the hell up because this is something you need to realize: Justin Bieber is not responsible for the influence that your children have concerning marijuana. Parents are outraged that Justin Bieber smoked some pot. He is a legal adult, he is eighteen years old, he can do what he wants. But most of all you as a parent are placing Justin Bieber as a “role model” for your children and you’re upset that when he makes an adult decision to smoke weed. Why are you putting Justin Bieber on the pedestal for the influence of your own damn children when you should be teaching your children what is right and what is wrong. I mean you’re the parent here Justin Bieber is not entitled to represent your parental responsibilities for your own damn children, which in my opinion you aren’t raising correctly because they are cutting themselves due to Justin Bieber.

So if I’ve lost you along the way, the main point of this post was that there are fans doing this and that is wrong, but the biggest issue is that people think it’s funny. But of course that is what happens when you live in the world of the woo-woo.

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